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Reaction Engineering Basics

Reaction Engineering Basics is a book I am writing for use in the undergraduate kinetics and reaction engineering course I teach. Everything for which a first draft has been completed is available via this link. As drafts of missing chapters are completed, they will be added. Once I have completed first drafts of all of the chapters and appendices, I will do a final revision and proofreading. At that point I will add the capability for readers to report errors.


SCoRE (Self-Study Course on Reaction Engineering) is a free, online course on chemical reaction engineering that I am developing. SCoRE is based on Reaction Engineering Basics. It is a slightly more comprehensive version of the undergraduate kinetics and reaction engineering course I teach. It is not affiliated with any university, and you cannot earn university credit for taking it (at least not at the university where I teach). It’s a self-study course for anyone with a personal interest in learning about chemical reaction engineering.

ToTaL Engineering

ToTaL Engineering (Thoughts on Teaching and Learning Engineering) is a place where I share my thoughts and experiences from teaching undergraduate engineering courses. It started out as a blog on teaching problem-solving courses, but I found it too difficult to post items on a regular basis, so I changed to a format where the posts are longer, but less frequent.

The Sett

The Sett Unlike Gophers, who live in holes, a Badger’s home is called a sett. The BuffaloBadger’s Sett is a place where I post about anything other than engineering and engineering education.


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